Thursday, February 4, 2016

Independent Component 1

  • Literal
    • "I, Cheyenne Medina, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work."
    • My mentor, Chris Chen, DDS, and dental assistant, Julia Gaytan, at Puente Hills Dentistry helped me complete my independent component. 
    • Senior Project Hour Log
    • For my 30 hours for Independent Component I completed more hours at Puente Hills Dentistry, where I did my mentorship. I thought this would be a good way to spend my 30 hours, because my essential question has a lot to do with doctor-patient-interaction. The office was the best place for me to observe this.
  • Interpretive 
    • For the most part I was doing the things that I would normally do during my mentorship like watch most dental procedures and interact with the dentists and patients. This was significant to my project because it helped me to be able to further study and find answers for my essential question, "What are the best ways for a dentist to ease a patient's anxiety?".
  • Applied
    • This helped me understand the foundation of my topic by allowing me to watch doctor-patient-interaction. In my topic, I am focusing on a patient and how the dentist can best ease his or her anxiety. Many patients do feel anxious when going to the dentist and it is noticeable with many patients that I see that go into the office. Even the dentists tell me that they deal with anxious patients on a daily basis. This is so common and it is important to see what a dentist can do to help ease the patient and what methods work best and which ones don't.

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